Eos Connection 2025, APFED's 23rd Annual Patient Education Conference for Eosinophil-Associated Disorders, June 26-28, 2025, Raleigh-Durham, NC

Research Posters

APFED’s annual patient education conference will offer a virtual poster hall for attendees to learn about the latest research on eosinophil-associated diseases.

Researchers in academia (including students) and industry are invited to submit up to four (4) research posters, including encore posters, presented within the past year.



Primarily patients and caregivers. Researchers, health care professionals, industry partners, and others interested in these conditions also attend (~20%).


Resources to submit and deadlines


By May 9, 2025

  • Abstract: Complete the form below to provide a brief, lay-friendly description of the research work and details of where the work first appeared. APFED will make every effort to confirm acceptance within 2 business days.


By May 23, 2025

Upload the following files:

  • Digital poster (PDF): To be displayed online for conference registrants.
  • Recorded presentation (MP4): Please record a video presentation (10 minutes max) about each poster. This may be done from a computer using a screen share feature (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, GoToMeeting, Loom, or a similar tool). The recording should depict the poster and contain a voice-over describing the work in a lay-friendly fashion. We encourage presenters to turn their cameras on whenever possible.

NOTE: APFED will add the following message to the bottom of each PDF submission.

This file was provided for viewing only within the EOS Connection 2025 conference environment. It may not be shared in any medium on other platforms without the consent of the author.




Contact conference@apfed.org.

Join us June 26-28 in Raleigh-Durham, NC, or online for Eos Connection 2025!