APFED Announces 2018 HOPE Pilot Grant Cycle
August 3, 2017
The American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders (APFED) is pleased to announce that two 2018 HOPE Pilot Grant opportunities are now available for application.
The APFED HOPE Pilot Grant was established to allow investigators from a variety of disciplines to initiate new projects relevant to eosinophil-associated diseases (EADs). Successful applications will focus on the development of new ideas which are likely to lead to future external funding.
Interested applicants are invited to submit a letter of intent by September 22, 2017. Final applications are due by October 27, 2017. Learn more about the grants we are offering in our 2018 cycle:
2018 APFED HOPE Pilot Grant for Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Research: $25,000 per year for two years (a total of $50,000)
2018 APFED HOPE Pilot Grant for Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorder Research : $50,000 per year for two years (a total of $100,000)
APFED’s HOPE on the Horizon Research Program launched in 2005 and is supported entirely by donations. Contributions to the fund have enabled the organization to direct more than $2 million in support of research initiatives.
For details and to access the application portal, visit //apfed.org/research/grant-application-for-researchers/.