APFED’s Hope on the Horizon Walks
July 12, 2014

Proceeds from all APFED’s Hope on the Horizon Walks will support APFED’s Hope on the Horizon Research Fund, which provides grants to investigators to pursue unique research ideas that could lead to less invasive diagnostic measures and more effective treatments for those suffering from eosinophil associated diseases. Click here to learn more about HOPE grant recipients and their research projects.
Join us May 21, 2016 in St. Louis, Missouri for APFED’s HOPE on the Horizon Walk.
Location: Tilles Park and the Gloria Rogers Shelter
Join us May 21, 2016 in Kingsville, MD for APFED’s HOPE on the Horizon Walk.
Historic Jerusalem Mill Village
2813 Jerusalem Road
Kingsville, MD 21087
9AM – Noon
More Info and Registration Coming Soon
Additional questions? Email jforrest@apfed.org
APFED’s Hope on the Horizon Virtual Walk
No Hope on the Horizon Walk in your area? You can still get involved and support research of eosinophil associated diseases by participating in our Virtual Walk!
More Info
Register Online
Pledge Form
Smoking is prohibited at this event. For event notices and information, visit our Walk Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/HopeOnTheHorizonWalks.
Interested in SPONSORING or HOSTING one of APFED’s Hope on the Horizon Walks?
Please contact fundraise@apfed.org for more information.