Share Your EGPA Perspectives
February 21, 2020
APFED is working in partnership with a Medscape, the largest provider of continuing medical education to develop an accredited activity to educate physicians about eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), formerly known as Churg-Strauss Syndrome. This educational program will also provide the learners with perspective of those who live with EGPA (or their caregivers).
We are currently seeking five people with EGPA (or their caregiver) to participate in a telephone interview with Medscape to capture their perspective to include in this program.
The person being interviewed will receive an honorarium for taking part in the interview.
Interviews will be conducted as soon as possible — please responded by February 28th.
To learn more and to complete a short questionnaire to indicate your interest, please visit this page: