Eos Connection 2025, APFED's 23rd Annual Patient Education Conference for Eosinophil-Associated Disorders, June 26-28, 2025, Raleigh-Durham, NC

Conference Code of Conduct & Engagement Guidelines

The American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders (APFED) is committed to providing a friendly, collegial, safe, supportive, and respectful meeting environment. In-person and remote attendees are expected to:

  • Respect the rights, privacy, safety, and dignity of all persons. 
  • Exercise consideration and respect. 
  • Refrain from harassing communication and other harassing behavior. 


Unacceptable Behavior 

Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Harassment of another attendee. 
  • Hostility or aversion toward an individual, or group of individuals, organizations, or businesses, or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment, or that interferes with an individual’s ability to peacefully participate in the event. 
  • Posting, sharing, streaming, or displaying content in the virtual or physical environment that is inappropriate, irrelevant, intimidating, harassing, abusive, defamatory, profane, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning. 
  • Uploading/sharing a photo within the virtual environment that is not your own or that you don’t have the authorization to share.
  • Taking screenshots or pictures of presentations or research posters and sharing them outside of the conference environment (presentations may contain unpublished data).
  • Sustained or repeated disruption of virtual chat areas. 
  • Posts in the virtual environment for personal fundraisers or fundraisers in which APFED does not benefit from the proceeds.
  • Destruction or damage to hotel property or event exhibits
  • Failing to stop unacceptable behavior when requested by event administrators.  


Attendees who are in violation of the event’s Code of Conduct will be given one (1) warning; second offenses will result in termination from the event and no refund will be issued for any registration fees paid. APFED reserves the right to use its discretion with a report of a violation and immediately terminate an attendee without warning based on the offense. 


Reporting Unacceptable Behavior

Any attendee who observes or experiences unacceptable behavior, or who believes there has been a violation of this Code of Conduct is encouraged to report it to event staff. Take a picture or screenshot, if possible. Visit the Registration Desk at the onsite event or visit the Help Desk in the virtual lobby and an APFED representative will assist you. Reports will be kept confidential.

Join us June 26-28 in Raleigh-Durham, NC, or online for Eos Connection 2025!