National Eosinophil Awareness Week
March 12, 2015

May 17th – 23rd, 2015
Thanks to APFED’s efforts, on May 15, 2007, the House of Representatives passed HB 296, forever designating the third week of May as National Eosinophil Awareness Week (NEAW).
The purpose of NEAW is to create awareness and educate both the general public and medical community about eosinophil-associated diseases. The theme of NEAW is E-D-U-C-A-T-E:
Across the nation, patients, caregivers, health care professionals, friends and family members are preparing for National Eosinophil Awareness Week (NEAW), May 17th – 23rd, 2015. Join us as we step up efforts during NEAW to teach others about eosinophil-associated diseases, an emerging healthcare problem worldwide, and how lives are affected by these diseases.
Ways to Get Involved
- Share our fact sheet and “Can you say ‘Eosinophilic’ flyer, with friends, family, health care providers, and businesses in your community.
- Share facts about eosinophil-associated diseases on your social media pages.
- Change your social media profile image to a NEAW ribbon (see bottom of this page for graphics you may download).
- Share your story by sending a letter or email to family and friends. A sample letter is provided.
- Ask media outlets to run a story about eosinophil-associated diseases. A sample letter to the editor is provided.
- Share our Public Service Announcements with local radio and tv stations.
- Encourage family and friends to watch our awareness week and our “Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases” videos.
- Pass out DumDum pops along with our “PDum Dums are a Food Group” flyer or “A Treat is Neat” card.
- Distribute educational materials to health care providers and area businesses.
- Organize a fundraiser to benefit research of eosinophil-associated diseases. For help, email
- Join the National Eosinophil Awareness Week community on Facebook.
Day by Day Guide of Suggested Activities
Educate (Sunday)
- Post facts about eosinophil associated diseases to your social media page/s.
- Contact local media and share your story. A sample letter to the editor and Public Service Announcements are provided.
- Distribute educational materials to health care providers and area businesses.
Donate (Monday)
- Make a personal donation to APFED and encourage others to match it.
Unite (Tuesday)
- Coordinate a get-together with local eos families to celebrate NEAW, or work together to plan a fundraiser.
- Become a member of APFED and ask a friend to join as well.
- Register for APFED’s Annual Patient Education Conference.
- Join or start a local support group.
- Join the National Eosinophil Awareness Week community on Facebook.
Change (Wednesday)
- Change the way others view your disease by sharing your story.
- Wear a magenta colored t-shirt to school or work and encourage your friends and colleagues to so the same.
- Change your social media profile picture and banner to the NEAW logo (see below).
- Share APFED’s fact sheet about eosinophil-associated diseases or “Can you say ‘Eosinophilic?” flyer.
Awareness (Thursday)
- Wear a magenta colored t-shirt to school or work and encourage your friends and colleagues to so the same.
- Change your social media profile picture and banner to the NEAW logo provided on the APFED website.
- Share APFED’s EADs Fact Sheet or “Can you say Eosinophilic?” flyer.
Thank (Friday)
- Reach out to those who have been supportive of your journey with eos to thank them.
- Thank health care providers for their support and care.
- Thank legislators who support issues important to our community.
Engage (Saturday)
- Invite family, friends, and others to experience dietary limitations (Suggestion: Eat Like Us for a Day Challenge).
- Create a community fundraising walk at your school or workplace, or organize a Hope on the Horizon Walk to benefit APFED’s research fund.
Additional Resources of Interest
- Download our Day by Day Guide of Suggested Activities flyer and share with others.
- Getting involved with Climbing Capitol Hill
- Global Genes Toolkit: Using Storytelling to Raise Awareness for a Rare Disease
Digital Images to Share and Post (websites, social media profiles, newsletters, etc.):
APFED would like to thank the following organizations, support groups
and physicians for their partnership during NEAW 2015
Anaphylaxis Canada
Alabama Eosinophilic Disorders Support Group
Central Virginia Eos Support Group
Cincinnati Center for Eosinophilic Disorders
Cincinnati Eosinophilic Family Coalition
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and the Cincinnati Center for Eosinophilic Disorders
Dr. Amy Darter, Oklahoma Institute of Allergy and Asthma
Feeding Tube Awareness Foundation
FAACT – Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Connection Team
FARE Food Allergy Research and Education
Kids with Food Allergies Foundation
UFAN Division of Eosinophilic Support (DOES)
Special thanks to our Education Partner for supporting APFED’s celebration of the 8th Annual National Eosinophil Awareness Week!