Get Out and Go! EGIDs and Summer Travel
June 28, 2016
Summer trips with an EGID can be challenging. We asked for suggestions to ease travel from Colette Martin, The Allergen-Free Baker, and Laura Dean, MA, RD, CD, an EoE and GI Clinic Dietitian with Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health.
Always Travel with Safe Foods: Don’t expect to be able to find a safe snack when you are stuck in an air-port or on an airplane. Always bring more than you think you will need. Crackers, cookies, and fruit all travel well.
Bring Breakfast: Breakfast can be especially difficult for those avoiding the top food allergens and EGID triggers. Bring something that can be made easily in a hotel room. For example, muffins require no effort and instant oatmeal can be made using water heated in a coffee maker.
Book a Room with a Refrigerator: Some hotels have refrigerators in every room, others may allow you to rent a refrigerator. Check with the hotel when you make your reservation and be sure to reserve a refrigerator if you can. Hotels with small kitchens are a great option if you are staying more than a few days and want to prepare food yourself.
Visiting Friends and Family: You may find it difficult to cook or prepare food in someone else’s kitchen. While friends mean well, they may not understand what it takes to avoid cross-contamination. If traveling by car, it’s worth the effort to bring your own toaster, blender, and other tools that you may need.
Dining Out: Thoroughly vet the restaurants before you leave your home. Use apps such as AllergyEats to look for allergen-friendly restaurants in your destination area. Talk to the chef at the restaurant to plan what you will eat in advance and book an early reservation (before the kitchen is stressed).
Make Vacation Work with You: Stick with your EGID treatment plan, stick to your diet and stay on any medications. Above all, have fun and enjoy your time away!
This article was published in APFED’s EoSolutions Summer 2015 Newsletter.